Our Mission: To elevate family voice: provide connections so that family voice is respected, amplified, and heard in order to support Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs and their families at all levels in Washington. Our Vision: Children, individuals, and families in Washington State, including those with special health care needs, will be healthy, safe, resilient, and included. Our Values: We value meaningful partnerships with communities and families so that we can: work towards collective impact, engage in cross systems partnerships statewide, utilize public health frameworks, and promote equity and inclusion. Our goal as an initiative is supporting a coalition infrastructure that allows organizations providing family support and leadership development to work together to leverage resources, create statewide connections, and increase organizational capacity to serve families. We want to: Inform, support, and empower Washington families to be partners and leaders in their child’s care. Develop and implement a system to track and match trained families and consumers to relevant and meaningful leadership opportunities. Create a means to measure our success through continuous quality improvement. Use the evidence of our success to justify our work to funding entities.
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